100 Deities of Bardo (Intermediate State): 42 Peaceful and 58 Wrathful

Bardo, The Intermediate State:

The assembly mandala of Bardo deities depicts a perfected state of beings and the central deities within, symbolizes the perfected states of the meditators' own awareness, psycho-physical aggregates, elemental properties and sensory and mental process. 

The peaceful deities symbolize the natural purity of these fundamental components of beings while the wrathful deities are the transformative aspects of the energies. The outer deities of these mandala are the mode of activities of an enlightened being.

Following is the description of the two thangkas, depicting the 100 Bardo Deities which was painted in Enlightenment Studio, back in 2018. They are respectively the 42 peaceful and the 58 wrathful deities of the intermediate state. 

The 42 Peaceful Deities of Bardo:peaceful bardo thordolClick here to view this 42 Peaceful Bardo Deities Thangka in details.

Samantabhadra- Samantabhadri (2)

In this center of this assembly is the primordial Buddha Samantabhadra, who is depicted as embracing mother Samantabhadri. He is located in the central position, radiantly blue in color while the mother is white, stainless like a crystal. He, the Buddha body of reality seats on a meditative equipoise

This union is the representation of the awareness aspects of the Buddha body of reality. The natural purity of mental consciousness and free from the fundamental ignorance. samantabhadra and samantabhadri

The five Buddha and Five Female Buddha (10)

The five Buddha of different family represents the five pure cognitions and the natural purity of the five psycho-physical aggregates. Similarly the five female Buddha are the natural purity of the five elements. 

1. Vairochana and Akasadhatvisvari

Within the central channel of the heart is the Buddha Vairochana and his consort Akasadhatvisvari embracing each other. They belong to the enlightened family of Buddha. Both of them are brilliantly white in color. Vairochana holds a Wheel and a Bell.

This union represents the pristine cognition of reality's expanse, and free from the delusion.vairochana consort

2. Akshobya-Vajrasattva and Buddhalochana:

They reside on the eastern channel in a union of supreme bliss, representing the mirror like pristine cognition and free from aversion. 

He is azure blue in color and holds a Vajra and a Bell while the mother Buddhalochana is light blue. They belong to the Vajra family.buddha lochana and vajrasattva3. Ratnasambhava and Mamaki:

Towards the southern channel is the Buddha Ratnasambhava in a blissful union with female buddha Mamaki. Radiantly yellow in color Ratnasambhava holds a jewel and a bell in his hands and seated in crossed leg position. 

This union represents the combination of radiance and emptiness. They belong to the Ratna family, symbolizing the pristine cognition of sameness and free from pride. ratnasambhava

4. Amitabha and Pandaravasini:

The reside towards the western channel, embracing each other in a blissful union that depicts the pristine cognition of discernment and free from attachments. 

They belong to the Padma (Lotus) family. Amitabha is Copper red in color, and holds a lotus and a bell while Pandaravasini is in the color of fire crystal red. Amitabha

5. Amoghasiddhi and Samayatara:

They are portrayed towards the northern channel. Colored in radiant turquoise  green, he holds a crossed Vajra (Viswavajra) and a bell in his hands. The union represent the pristine cognition of accomplishment and free from envy. 

They belong to the Karma family.Amoghasiddhi

The Eight Male Bodhisattva (8)

According the Guhyasamaja Tantra, these eight male bodhisattva are the representation of the four senses and the four sense organs. 

1. Kshitigarbha, Vajra family: 

  • Snow mountain White in color
  • to the right side of Vajrasattva 
  • Holding a seedling and a bell
  • Symbolizing the natural purity of visual consciousness

2. Maitreya, Vajra family:

  • Cloudy White in color
  • To the left of Vajrasattva
  • Holding a blossoming orange bush and a bell
  • Symbolizing the natural purity of auditory consciousness

3. Samantabhadra, Ratna family:

  • Amber Yellow in color
  • To the right of Ratnasambhava
  • Holding a grain sheath and a bell
  • Symbolizing the natural purity of olfactory consciousness

4. Akasagarbha, Ratna family:

  • Burnished golden Yellow in color
  • To the right of Ratnasambhava
  • Holding a sword and a bell
  • Symbolizing the purity of gustatory consciousness

5. Avalokiteshvara, Padma family:

  • Coral Red in color
  • To the right of Amitabha
  • Holding a Lotus and a bell
  • Symbolizing the purity of tactile consciousness

6. Manjushrikumarabhuta, Padma family:

  • Orange Red in color
  • To the left of Amitabha
  • Holding a sword and a bell
  • Symbolizing the purity of mental consciousness

7. Nivaranaviskambhin, Karma family:

  • Green as the night flowering lotus
  • To the right of Amogasiddhi
  • Holding a book and a bell
  • Symbolizing the purity of "ground of all" consciousness

8. Vajrapani, Karma family:

  • Emerald Green in color
  • To the left of Amogasiddhi
  • Holding a Vajra and bell
  • Symbolizing the purity of the defiled consciousness

The Eight Female Bodhisattvas (8)

Similarly the eight female bodhisattvas are described as follows. They represent the four sense objects and the four phases of the conceptual thought (past, present, future and indeterminate stage).

1. Lasya, Vajra family:

  • Quartz White in Color
  • To the front of Vajrasattva
  • Holding a mirror and a bell
  • symbolizing the purity of visual phenomenon

2. Puspa, Vajra family:

  • Pearl White in color
  • Behind of Vajrasattva
  • Holding a flower
  • symbolizing the purity of past conceptual thoughts

3. Malya, Ratna family:

  • Saffron yellow in color
  • In front of Ratnasambhava
  • Holding a garland
  • symbolizing the purity of indeterminate conceptual thoughts

4 . Dhupa, Ratna family:

  • Golden yellow in color
  • Behind of Ratnasambhava
  • Holding an incense
  • symbolizing the purity of Fragrance

5 . Gita, Padma family:

  • Marsh mallow pink in color
  • In front of Amitabha
  • Holding a gong
  • symbolizing the purity of Sound

6 . Aloka, Padma family:

  • Lotus pink in color
  • Behind of Amitabha
  • Holding a butter lamp
  • symbolizing the purity of future conceptual thoughts

7 . Gandha,  Karma family:

  • Poopy Green in color
  • In front of Amoghasiddhi
  • Holding a conch shell
  • symbolizing the purity of present conceptual thoughts

8 . Narti,  Karma family:

  • Marine Green in color
  • Behind Amoghasiddhi
  • Holding a food offering
  • symbolizing the purity of taste

The Gatekeepers of the Four Directions (8)

They are the assembly of the eight gatekeepers (the four male and the four female) represented in dancing posture, in blissful union with each other. They are portrayed in the four different directions.

1. Trailokya Vaijaya and Ankusa: They reside in the eastern channel in a blissful union. Both are white in color.

2. Yamantaka and Pasa: They reside in the southern side and are yellow in color.

3. Hayagriva and Spotha: They reside in the western gate and are red in color.

4. Amrtakundalin and Ghanta: They reside in the northern gate and are green in color. 

The Great Six Sages (6)

The great six sages of the assembly of the 42 peaceful deities represent the natural purity of the six dissonant mental states. 

To read more about the Six sages of the Six realm, click here.

Names Color Attributes Symbol 
Indrasakra White


Purity of Pride
Vemacitra Green Sword & Armour Purity of Envy
Shakyamuni Yellow A monk's Staff & bowl Purity of Attachment
Sthirasimha Blue Book Purity of Delusion
Jvalamukha Red Wish granting Casket Purity of Miserliness
Yama Dharmaraja Black A flame & Water Purity of Aversion


The Five Awareness Holders:

1. The Great Awareness Holder of Maturation: Radiant red in color and embracing the Dakini of pristine cognition.
2. Awareness holder who abides on the level: White color and embraced by white dakini.
3. Awareness hodler with Power over the lifespan: Yellow in color and embraced by yellow dakini.
4. Awareness holder of the Great Seal: Red in color, embracing red dakini
5. Awareness holder of spontaneous presence: Green in color and embracing green dakini.Five awareness holders*These five awareness holders are not counted within the 42 peaceful deities but are often depicted in the thangka.  

The Assembly of 58 Wrathful Bardo Deities:

In this mandala of deities are the wrathful emanations of Samantabhadra, the five Buddhas and his consorts, gatekeepers, offering goddess and many more. 

Mahottara Heruka and Krodeshvari (2):

He is wrathful form of Samantabhadra and is the central deity of this wrathful assembly along with his consort Krodeshvari. He has three faces (brown, White and Red) with six arms. He is brown in color while the mother is the dark blue in color.

His six arms brandishes the following attributes:

  • 1st Hands: Vajra (right) and Bell (left)
  • 2nd Hands: Small drum (right) and Noose of entrails (left)
  • 3rd Hands: Khatvanga (right) and Skull cup filled with blood (left)wrathful samantabhadra

    Click here to view this Assembly of 58 Wrathful thangka.

The Five Wrathful Male Buddha and Five Female Buddha (10)

1. Buddha Heruka and Buddha Krodheshvari:

Wrathful form of Vairochana, they reside in the central channel, symbolizing the natural transformation of delusion into pristine cognition of reality's expanse and the transformation of mental constructs associated with sights. The male Heruka is dark brown in color while the female is reddish brown. They belong to the buddha family. 

Three faces and three hands:

  • Right hands: a Wheel, an Axe, and a Sword
  • Left hands: a Bell, a Ploughshare and a Skull cup filled with blood

2. Vajra Heruka and Vajra Krodhesvari:

Wrathful form of Vajrasattva, they reside towards the eastern channel. Their blissful union symbolizes the natural transformation of aversion into mirror-like pristine cognition and the transformation of mental constructs associated with sound. They are dark blue and pale blue in color respectively and belongs to the Vajra family. 

Three faces and three hands:

  • Right hands: a Vajra, a Skull, and an Axe
  • Left hands: a Bell, a Skull cup and a Ploughshare

3. Ratna Heruka and Ratna Krodhesvari:

Wrathful form of Ratnasambhava, they are in the southern directions. Their union is the representation of the transformation of pride into pristine cognition of sameness and the transformation of mental constructs associated with smell. They are dark yellow and pale yellow in color, belongs to the Ratna family. 

Three faces and three hands:

  • Right hands: a Jewel, a khatvanga, and a Club
  • Left hands: a Bell, a Skull cup, and a Trident

4. Padma Heruka and Padma Krodhesvari:

Buddha Amitabha in the wrathful form of Padma Heruka resides in the western channel. He is embracing mother Padma krodhesvari, and their union represents the transformation of attachment into pristine cognition of discernment and the transformation of mental constructs related to taste. 

They are dark red and pale red in color and belongs to the Padma family.

Three faces and three hands:

  • Right hands: a Lotus, a Club, and a Trident
  • Left hands: a Bell, a Skull cup, and a Small Drum

5. Karma Heruka and Karma Krodhesvari:

Buddha Amoghasiddhi in the wrathful form of Karma Heruka resides in the northern channel. He is embracing mother Karma krodhesvari, and their union represents the transformation of envy into pristine cognition of accomplishment and the transformation of mental constructs related to touch.

They are dark green and pale green in color and belongs to the Karma family.

Three faces and three hands:

  • Right hands: a sword, a Club, and a Trident
  • Left hands: a Bell, a Skull cup, and a Ploughshare

The Eight Matarah and The Eight Pisachi (16)

The matarah are the representation of the natural transformation of mental constructs associated with the eight classes of consciousness.

Matarah Color Attributes Location
Gauri White

Human Corpse & Skull cup

Cauri Yellow Arrow & Bow Southern
Pramoha Red Crocodile Victory Banner Western
Vetali Green-black Vajra and Skull Cup Northern
Pukkasi Red-yellow Devouring Entrails of a body South-Eastern
Ghasmari Green-black Vajra and Skull Cup South-Western
Candali Pale Yellow Devouring a heart of a corpse North-Western
Smasani Blue-black Tearing apart a Human corpse North-Eastern

Below are the description of the eight Pisaci, the representation of the transformation of the mental constructs associated with the eight classes of consciousness.

Pisaci Color Attributes Location
Simhamukhi  brown-black


Vyaghrimukhi  Red Tiger-headed Southern
Srgalamukhi  Black Fox-headed Western
Svanamukhi  Blue-black Wolf-headed Northern
Grdhramukhi  white-yellow Vulture-headed South-Eastern
Kankamukhi  Red-black Kite-headed South-Western
Kakamukhi  Black Crow-headed North-Western


Dark blue Owl-headed  North-Eastern

eight matarah and eight pisaciThe Four Female Gatekeepers of the Wrathful Assembly (4):

These four female gatekeepers are the representation of the closing of the doors to the four types of birth and the forces of the four immeasurable aspirations. 

1. Vajratejasi (Horse headed): resides in the eastern gate and is white in color

2. Vajramogha/Pasa (Sow headed): resides in the southern gate and is yellow in color

3. Vajraloka (Lion headed): resides in the western gate and is red in color

4. Vajravetali (Snake headed): resides in the northern gate and is green in color

The Assembly of 28 Ishwari (Yoginis of all directions)

These yoginis represent the purification of the aggregates of bewildered mental constructs and the enactment of the enlightened activities.

Six Yoginis of The East (6):

These six yoginis of the east symbolize the activities of pacification. They belong to the Vajra family and reside in the outer eastern channel.

  1. Manurakshasi: Brown-White
  2. Brahmani: Yellow-white
  3. Raudri: Green-white
  4. Vaisnavi: Bluish-white
  5. Kaumari: Red-white
  6. Indrani: White
Six Yoginis of The South (6):

They symbolize the activities of enrichment. They belong to the Ratna family and reside in the outer southern channel.

  1. Vajra: Yellow
  2. Santi: Yellow-red
  3. Amrta: Yellow-red
  4. Saumi: White-yellow
  5. Dandi: Green-yellow
  6. Raksasi: Black Yellow
Six Yoginis of The West (6):

They symbolize the activities of subjugation. They belong to the Padma family and reside in the outer western channel.

  1. Bhaksasi: Green red
  2. Rati: Red
  3. Rudhiramadi: Pale Red
  4. Ekacarini Raksasi: Red
  5. Manoharika: Red
  6. Siddhikari: Green Red
Six Yoginis of The North (6):

They symbolize the activities of wrath. They belong to the Karma family and reside in the outer northern channel.

  1. Vayudevi: Blue-green
  2. Agnayi: Red-green
  3. Varahi: Black-green
  4. Camundi: Red-green
  5. Bhujana: Black-green
  6. Varunani: Blue-green

Four Yoginis Gatekeepers (4):

They represent the closing of the four doors of the four types of birth and the enactment of the four kinds of enlightened activity.

  1. Vajra Mahakali: White
  2. Vajra Mahachagala: Yellow
  3. Vajra Maha-kumbhakarni: Red
  4. Vajra Lambodara: Dark Green

wrathful deitiesHence, this completes the mandala of wrathful deities of Bardo. Even though, they are known as the 58 wrathful deities, they are actually 60 deities in total. 

*All the valuable information are sourced from "The Tibetan Book of The Dead", translated by Gyurme Dorje.





Shirley Ng

Shirley Ng

Thank you very very much. This is what I m finding for a very long time. Amitabha Buddha bless all.



You can call them what you will

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