

Buddhist Masters Statue

46 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 46 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 46 products
Bodhi Wooden Tsongkhapa StatueBodhi Wooden Tsongkhapa Statue | Tibetan Buddhist Handcrafted Artwork
Buddhist Master Tsongkhapa Figurine Buddhist Master Tsongkhapa Figurine
naropaBuddhist Guru Naropa Statue | The Enlightened Vajrayana Master
GampopaBuddhist Master Gampopa Statue | Tibetan Buddhism Dharma Decor
Tibetan Buddhist master Milarepa StatueTibetan Buddhist Master Milarepa Statue | Sacred Stone Statue of Jetsun Milarepa
buddhist-master-milarepaBuddhist Master Milarepa | Icon of Devotion
Buddhist Master Milarepa | Icon of Devotion
Sale price$225.00
5.5cm x 4.5cm +1
GampopaGuru Gampopa Figurine | The Spiritual Beacon of the Kagyu Lineage
Gold-Plated Tsongkhapa Statue | Revered Tibetan Buddhist MasterGold-Plated Tsongkhapa Statue | Revered Tibetan Buddhist Master
milarepa-buddhist-masterMilarepa Buddhist Master Statue | Handcrafted Lapis Lazuli Crafts
milarepa-tibetan-siddhaMilarepa Tibetan Siddha | Embodiment of Wisdom
Milarepa Tibetan Siddha | Embodiment of Wisdom
Sale price$955.00
56.5cm x 38cm +1
Marpha Buddhist Master StatueMarpha Buddhist Master Statue | Himalayan Monk Sculpture
Marpha Buddhist Master Statue | Himalayan Monk Sculpture
Sale price$490.00
19.5 cm x 17.5 cm +1
Gompopa Buddhist Master Statue | 24K Gold Gilded Copper BodyGompopa Buddhist Master Statue | 24K Gold Gilded Copper Body
Milarepa Buddhist Master StatueMilarepa Buddhist Master Statue | Copper Body with Acrylic Paintings
Sacred Marpha Set Sacred Marpha Set | Milarepa, Marpha and Gompopa Buddhist Master Statues
Mahasiddha and Buddhist Yogi Virupa StatueMahasiddha and Buddhist Yogi Virupa Statue | Handcrafted Spiritual Sculpture
Je Tsongkhapa decor statueVintage 1st Dalai Lama | Gendun Druppa Statue
Vintage 1st Dalai Lama | Gendun Druppa Statue
Sale price$1,296.00
20cm x 14cm +1
tibetan guru rinpocheTibetan Guru Rinpoche Statue | Guru Rinpoche Sculpture for Devotional Practice
Tibetan Chinese MonkTibetan Chinese Monk | Homedecor Statues
Tibetan Chinese Monk | Homedecor Statues
Sale price$203.00
15cm x 6cm +1
Tibetan Buddhist Master Statue SetTibetan Buddhist Master Statue Set | Milarepa, Marpha & Gampopa | Tibetan Art
Three Buddha Statue SetThree Buddha Statue Set | Marpha, Milarepa, Gampopa Sculpture
Marpha StatueMarpha Statue | Traditional Buddhist Master Art
Marpha Statue | Traditional Buddhist Master Art
Sale price$1,362.00
29cm x 26cm +1