


53 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 53 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 53 products
Natural Mineral Colors
Trio BodhisattvasTrio Bodhisattvas Thangka | Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri, and Vajrapani
Natural Mineral Colors
Manjushri with Mitrupa BuddhaBodhisattva Manjushri with Mitrupa Buddha Thangka | Divine Representation of Wisdom and Enlightened Meditation
Natural Mineral Colors
Compact Manjushri ThangkaCompact Manjushri Thangka | Wisdom, Insight & Spiritual Awakening
Natural Mineral Colors
Four Armed ChenresigThe Compassionate Buddha, Four Armed Chenresig Thangka | Exclusive Artwork with Lhasa Stone Hues
thousand-armed-chenrezigThousand-Armed Chenrezig | Embodiment of Boundless Compassion
Natural Mineral Colors
lord-of-compassion-chenrezigLord of Compassion Chenrezig Thangka | Original Tibetan Artwork of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara
Natural Mineral Colors
Fierce Protector VajrapaniFierce Protector Vajrapani Thangka | Guardian of the Dharma | Himalayan Artwork
Natural Mineral Colors
vajrapani-butadamaraVajrapani Butadamara Thangka | Hand-Painted Artwork of the Protector Bodhisattva
Natural Mineral Colors
Manjushri Thangka for MeditationWisdom Deity, Manjushri Thangka for Meditation | A Vision of Enlightened Wisdom
Enlightened Bodhisattva ManjushriEnlightened Bodhisattva Manjushri Thangka | Supreme Wisdom & Compassion
Natural Mineral Colors
Hand-Painted 4 armed AvalokiteshvaraHand-Painted 4 armed Avalokiteshvara Thangka | Buddhist Art of Compassion and Peace
Hand-Painted Manjushri ThangkaHand-Painted Manjushri Thangka | Illuminating the Path to Enlightenment
Thousand Arms ChenrezigThousand Arms Chenrezig Thangka | Divine Manifestation of Infinite Compassion
buddha of wisdomManjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom | Traditional Karma Gadri Style
Natural Mineral Colors
JampelyangJampelyang (Manjushri) | A Majestic Wisdom Buddha
Jampelyang (Manjushri) | A Majestic Wisdom Buddha
Sale price$7,730.00
40 x 50 Inches +1
Manjushri Buddha of KnowledgeManjushri, Buddha of Knowledge | 24K Gold, Acrylic on Cotton Canvas
Avalokitesvara ThangkaAvalokitesvara Thangka | Chenrezig with Manjushri & Vajrapani
Natural Mineral Colors
butadamara vajrapaniButadamara Vajrapani Thangka | Wrathful Guardian of Wisdom and Power
God of WisdomManjushri, God of Wisdom | Bodhisattva Thangka
Manjushri, God of Wisdom | Bodhisattva Thangka
Sale price$850.00
14 x 20 Inches +1
Compassion Buddha, ChenrezigCompassion Buddha, Chenrezig Thangka | Karma Gadri Masterpiece
Vajrapani BhutadamaraSakya Vajrapani, Bhutadamara Thangka | Protector of Buddhist Teachings
Natural Mineral Colors
1000 Armed Chenrezig Bodhisattva1000 Armed Chenrezig Bodhisattva Thangka | Divine Protection
Natural Mineral Colors
Wisdom BodhisattvaManjushri, Wisdom Bodhisattva Thangka
Manjushri, Wisdom Bodhisattva Thangka
Sale price$510.00
9 x 13 Inches +1
Natural Mineral Colors
Compassionate BodhisattvaCompassionate Bodhisattva, Chenrezig Thangka
Compassionate Bodhisattva, Chenrezig Thangka
Sale price$510.00
9 x 13 Inches +1