Samantabhadri Mandala: A Profound Assembly of Dakinis

Amazingly Inspiring Samantabhadri Mandala, surrounded by Dakini from Different lineages:

Size: 20x30 inches
Medium: Natural Stone Colors and 24K Gold
Style: Traditional Karma Gadri
Surface:  Handmade Cotton Canvas
Date of Creation:  2019 AD
Time for Making:

 Appro. 4 Months


This special Dakini thangka was a special commission from a Dharma friend in USA. An extensive practitioner he was, this specific mandala was his personal vision that he developed over the time in his meditation. And he wanted to capture this profound vision in our thangka. Hence, this thangka is higly inspired by his utmost dedication to the Dharma and his venerable masters from whom he has received transmissions and empowerments in his 30+ years of meditation practice.  

We will discuss in details about each of the deites depicted in this thankga and the lineages they came from.

Besides the deities, the sceneric composition and selection of the color pallete was also previously discussed. Once the confirmation was aligned from both the sides, we started to draw the first draft of the thangka. 


Samantabhadri Mandala thangka

Dakini and Their Lineages: 

This Samantabhadri mandala is our patron's vision after receiving Dzogchen transmission from Lama Tharchin Rinpoche. 

Prajnaparamita is from the Karma Kagyu Tradition: Green Tara comes from the Chokyur Lingpa Terma and White Tara from Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye Lineage. 

Karma Paksi and Vajravarahi come from Mingyur Rinpoche's transmission. Singhamukha are from Bardor Tulku Rinpoche in conjunction with the Kunchog Chidu empowerment. Having received the Dudjum Tersar empowerments from Lama Tharchin Rinpoche, Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche and Dzongsar Rinpoche, the Troma Nagmo and Saraswati come from this same tradition. 

The Salge Du Dolma (right below Samantabhadri) is a sleep dakini and comes from Tenzing Wangyal's teaching on Sleep Yoga. 

Thank you for Reading! we hope you enjoyed this as much as we loved painting this wonderful Samantabhadri Mandala. 



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