Various Forms of Mother Tara | Tara Thangka
Tara herself has emanated in many different Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya forms.
The mother emanating as Nirmanakaya Tara is one of the main deities who deals with us, confused and distracted beings. She can bring us back to the original state. Thus she is named the mother of both samsara and nirvana.
Because her nature is ultimately nondual, Tara's emanations are confined by no boundaries. She goes beyond the limitations of geographical or social systems. These are dualistic conceptions created by people's minds in relative truth. Tara resides beyond all such conception.
She emanates as needed in her various forms, reaching out to every living being. Her purpose is to help all living beings. Thus she aids every type of being, including animals and the beings of other realms.
For human beings, Tara emanates in a human form like ours- two arms, two legs, two eyes and so her features are familiar. Her traditional costume and adornment are clearly depicted in the thangka. She is depicted like what human beings of the ruling classes wore in ancient India. She emanated this way for human beings to connect with her and bring them towards Enlightenment.
Her "Hook of Compassion" is always ready. We must have our mind and heart in the state of readiness, which is the "Ring of Devotion".
Her sambhogakaya emanations include Vajravarahi, Vajrayogini, the five mother Dhyani Buddha, and the five wisdom Dakini.
Her nirmanakaya emanations include the Twenty one Emanation of Tara. Example: Red Tara activates our realization and overpowering our ego-clinging and neurotic stages.
Similarly in India, Tara's popular emanations include wisdom Dakini Mandarva and Niguma.
In Tibet, it is Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal. The practice of Green Tara, White Tara, Red Tara, Yeshe Tsogyal helps us remove fears and hindrances. And also develop the ability to benefit all the sentient beings. .
Tara and the Wisdom Dakini:
As the embodiment of enlightened energy, Tara and the Wisdom Dakini are not separable. The Tibetan terms referenced to Dakas and Dakinis are Khandro and Khandroma. The literal translation of Dakini is "Sky-goer" or "Sky-walker". Here, the Sky is wisdom, and "Goer" is referred to love and compassion. These are the Dakini's beneficial activities. Hence, Dakini is the activity of love and compassion, full of strength, moving freely in the wisdom space"
Among the various forms of Dakini, there is wisdom Dakini, action Dakini, earthly Dakini, and so on. When described, Dakini are portrayed as young, beautiful, dancing. But some Dakini such as Singhamukha (lion-headed Dakini), Troma Nagmo have wrathful appearances.
Wisdom Dakini Mandarva and Yeshe Tsogyal both are Guru Rinpoche's disciples and great teachers. 
Source: Tara's Enlightened Activity, by Khenchen Palden Sherab and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal