

Termatree Statue Gallery

6 products

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 products

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 products
Mother Dolma Green TaraMother Dolma, Green Tara Figurine | A Timeless Treasure of Devotion and Beauty
Medicine Buddha on the ThroneMedicine Buddha on the Throne | The Supreme Healer in Majestic Form
The Buddha of Infinite Light and CompassionThe Buddha of Infinite Light and Compassion | Amitabha Buddha Statue
Crown Medicine BuddhaThe Healer with Regal Grace | Crown Medicine Buddha Statue
The Enlightened One in Majestic FormThe Enlightened One in Majestic Form | Shakyamuni Buddha Statue
Shakyamuni Buddha Statue with CrownShakyamuni Buddha Statue with Crown | Regal Symbol of Enlightenment