Bodhisattva Manjushree Print
Introduction to Thangka Print :
Bodhisattva Manjushri ( Manjushree) is the embodiment of the wisdom of all the Buddhas.
According to one tradition, he attained perfect enlightenment a long time back. The Buddhists believe that he is the sole deity of wisdom who blesses the devotees to sharpen their memory and intellect. As a result, a devotee can penetrate the vast and profound meanings of the Buddha's teachings. Without the blessings of Mañjuśri, nobody can develop the realization of emptiness.
His right hand holds the sword of the wisdom of emptiness for destroying ignorance, the root cause of the sufferings. Left-hand holds a lotus flower on which the book of transcendental wisdom is placed. He is adorned with rich and precious ornaments and a diadem.
How does Thangka benefit us?
It goes without saying that every detail of a painting has a symbolic meaning. Regardless of your religious affiliation, a thangka can help you on your path to enlightenment, whether you practice Buddhism or have other religious convictions. Thangkas are paintings that depict deities with various iconographic elements and symbolism that encourage meditation on the teachings of the god they depict. Any thangka is intended to aid in the removal of the film of ignorance, which is a significant barrier to the road to enlightenment. The Thangka is revered as a holy item. They promote positivity, spread Buddhism's teachings, bring about peace, harmony, and oneness, and dispel any negative energy that may be there.