Palden Lhamo Ghau | Prayer Box Shrine

SKU: 2377ESTibetanBuddhistGhau


Palden Lhamo Ghau

About Our Ritual Item :

This is the hand-made Tibetan guru with a filigree design over the treasure box. The statue carved inside the Ghau makes it beautiful. The Tibetan stones are embellished This box resembles a little container that may be kept and transported with potent, blessed artifacts as a portable shrine or on your altar.

Introduction To The Buddhist Treasure Box :

The Buddhist Treasure Box is a symbol of success and enduring power. It brings good fortune and pleasant energy. They can also build their shrine and meditate using the Treasure Box. It may be used for personal adornment or as jewelry. It is worn as an amulet to ward off bad luck and attract good.
Size: 17cm (Height) X 15cm (Base)
Weight: 0.608kg

How to set up your own Buddhist Shrine?

• Find a clean, quiet, and uncluttered spot
• Set up an altar table and cover it with an altar cloth that calls to you
• Place your sacred item at the center