Maitreya Buddha

An Inspiring Story Of Maitreya Buddha and Asanga

How Asanga finally met Maitreya Buddha? An inspiring story of how Asanga's persistent practice of Dharma, brought him to Tushita Heaven, with the M...
Yamantaka Thangka

The Rise of Yamantaka, Destroyer of the Lord of Death

Who is Yamantaka? Yamantaka is the most wrathful form of Manjushri. He is the embodiment of total wrath. His anger is so terrific that it may cons...
Understanding the Practice of Wrathful Deities in Tibetan Buddhism

Understanding the Practice of Wrathful Deities in Tibetan Buddhism

"Sacred art is not just a representation of symbols and ideas. It is a direct experience of inner peace, free from attachment to the illusory solid...
Making of guru rinpoche

Padmasambhava: The Life of Lotus Born Master

The Lotus Born Master, Guru Padmasambhava Also known as Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava is not only a fully enlightened Buddha, but he has also manife...
White Tara Thangka

How Tara Became Buddha?

An interesting account on How Tara finally became Buddha Many eons ago, there was a princess named Yeshe Dawa, "Moon of the Primordial Wisdom". S...
Machig Labdron

Machig Labdron and The Chod Tradition

Machig Labdron in her previous life, was an Indian man who made the unusual choice to take rebirth as a woman in Tibet. She was inspired by the P...