21 Homages To The Noble Taras of Suryagupta Tradition
Below verses are based on the Enlightened intent of the great pandita Suryagupta.
As the disciple of Arya Tara, Suryagupta is praised for his "One Hundred Tantras" dedicated to Tara, including the concise and extensive practice texts. Each verse of "The Pristine Crown Jewel" is a praise to an individual Tara, based on his enlightened understandings.
View All 21 TaraPravira Tara
Tara Swift-Acting Heroine
I pay homage to Tara Utterly Heroic,
Body red in color, like the light of fire,
Seated upon a golden-colored lotus
In the midst of non-fabricated, pristine space.
I pay homage to the beautiful one with one face and eight arms,
The first two hands in the mudra of joy
Cross a vajra and bell at the crown of your head;
The next two hold a bow and arrow at your heart.
I pay homage to you whose third right hand holds a wheel
And whose fourth brandishes the sword of prajna.
Your third left-hand holds a conch at your heart,
And the fourth is adorned by a lasso.
Body red in color, like the light of fire,
Seated upon a golden-colored lotus
In the midst of non-fabricated, pristine space.
I pay homage to the beautiful one with one face and eight arms,
The first two hands in the mudra of joy
Cross a vajra and bell at the crown of your head;
The next two hold a bow and arrow at your heart.
I pay homage to you whose third right hand holds a wheel
And whose fourth brandishes the sword of prajna.
Your third left-hand holds a conch at your heart,
And the fourth is adorned by a lasso.
Candrakanti Tara
Tara White Glow of the Moon
I pay homage to Tārā White Glow of the Moon.
The three kayas are complete in your three faces;
The right is blue, and the left is the color of the purest gold.
Your twelve hands represent the purity of the twelve links.
I pay homage to you with two hands in the
Mudra of equipoise; the second right holds a khatvānga;
The third deftly holds a blazing wheel;
The fourth holds a jewel.
I pay homage to you whose fifth grasps a vajra;
Your sixth holds a garland of flowers;
The second left hand holds a water vessel,
Which thoroughly cleanses the stains of the afflictions.
I pay homage to you whose third elegantly holds an utpala;
The fourth grasps a bell resounding the hum of emptiness;
The fifth holds a treasure vase and
The sixth a text proclaiming the Dharma to beings.
The three kayas are complete in your three faces;
The right is blue, and the left is the color of the purest gold.
Your twelve hands represent the purity of the twelve links.
I pay homage to you with two hands in the
Mudra of equipoise; the second right holds a khatvānga;
The third deftly holds a blazing wheel;
The fourth holds a jewel.
I pay homage to you whose fifth grasps a vajra;
Your sixth holds a garland of flowers;
The second left hand holds a water vessel,
Which thoroughly cleanses the stains of the afflictions.
I pay homage to you whose third elegantly holds an utpala;
The fourth grasps a bell resounding the hum of emptiness;
The fifth holds a treasure vase and
The sixth a text proclaiming the Dharma to beings.
Kanakavarna Tara
Tara of Golden Hue
I pay homage to Tara of Golden Hue.
Seated in lotus posture upon a multi-colored lotus
And moon disc; exceedingly beautiful and majestic,
Your ten arms are the purity of the ten pāramitās.
I pay homage to you holding a rosary at your heart;
Your second right hand brandishes the sword of wisdom;
The third points an arrow toward the afflictions;
The fourth holds a vajra and the fifth a small staff.
I pay homage to you, left hand holding a silk scarf,
The second a lasso, the third a lotus;
The fourth hand rings a bell,
The fifth holds aloft the bow of compassion.
Seated in lotus posture upon a multi-colored lotus
And moon disc; exceedingly beautiful and majestic,
Your ten arms are the purity of the ten pāramitās.
I pay homage to you holding a rosary at your heart;
Your second right hand brandishes the sword of wisdom;
The third points an arrow toward the afflictions;
The fourth holds a vajra and the fifth a small staff.
I pay homage to you, left hand holding a silk scarf,
The second a lasso, the third a lotus;
The fourth hand rings a bell,
The fifth holds aloft the bow of compassion.
Usnishavijaya Tara |
Tara Utterly Victorious Ushnisha
I pay homage to Tārā Utterly Victorious Ushnisha.
Atop a dais of a yellow water-born lotus
And a moon disc of increasing and untainted bliss,
You reside unwaveringly in the posture of ease.
I pay homage to the virtuous one, golden in color;
The nature of compassion, you deeply love all beings.
You have one face and four arms which conquer the four demons;
Your first right hand bestows the ultimate accomplishment.
I pay homage to you possessing continual concentration;
In the second right hand you hold a rosary.
The implement in your first left hand is a water vessel;
The second-hand holds a small jeweled staff.
Atop a dais of a yellow water-born lotus
And a moon disc of increasing and untainted bliss,
You reside unwaveringly in the posture of ease.
I pay homage to the virtuous one, golden in color;
The nature of compassion, you deeply love all beings.
You have one face and four arms which conquer the four demons;
Your first right hand bestows the ultimate accomplishment.
I pay homage to you possessing continual concentration;
In the second right hand you hold a rosary.
The implement in your first left hand is a water vessel;
The second-hand holds a small jeweled staff.
Humsvara Nadini Tara
Tara Proclaiming HŪM
I pay homage to Tārā Proclaiming HŪM.
Seated atop a stainless moon seat, free from the
Faults of the afflictions, your form is the purest of hues,
Exhibiting the luster of untainted, refined gold.
I pay homage to the heroine, the epitome of prajñā.
Out of compassion, you watch over samsāra;
To subdue the unruly, you proclaim HÜM; on the battlefield of
Confused existence, you are victorious over the three poisons.
I pay homage to the wielder of the mudra of the two truths' purity,
As a means to cradle beings in your compassionate fold,
Your right hand displays supreme generosity;
Your left holds a yellow lotus flower.
Seated atop a stainless moon seat, free from the
Faults of the afflictions, your form is the purest of hues,
Exhibiting the luster of untainted, refined gold.
I pay homage to the heroine, the epitome of prajñā.
Out of compassion, you watch over samsāra;
To subdue the unruly, you proclaim HÜM; on the battlefield of
Confused existence, you are victorious over the three poisons.
I pay homage to the wielder of the mudra of the two truths' purity,
As a means to cradle beings in your compassionate fold,
Your right hand displays supreme generosity;
Your left holds a yellow lotus flower.
Trilokya Vijaya Tara
Tara Utterly Victorious Over the Three Worlds
I pay homage to Tārā Utterly Victorious Over the Three Worlds.
Atop a red water-born lotus is a red sun disc
Indicating the purification of ignorance;
Seated in the posture of ease, you gaze upon beings.
I pay homage to you whose lotus feet
The gods and rişhis place upon their crowns
And heartily praise you as the lord of compassion;
All beings place their hopes in you.
I pay homage to you with the luster of rubies.
Of your four hands, in the first is a vajra,
In the second you hold a sword; your left hands
Display the threatening mudrā and hold a lasso.
Atop a red water-born lotus is a red sun disc
Indicating the purification of ignorance;
Seated in the posture of ease, you gaze upon beings.
I pay homage to you whose lotus feet
The gods and rişhis place upon their crowns
And heartily praise you as the lord of compassion;
All beings place their hopes in you.
I pay homage to you with the luster of rubies.
Of your four hands, in the first is a vajra,
In the second you hold a sword; your left hands
Display the threatening mudrā and hold a lasso.
Mara Sundana Vasitattama Tara
Tara Grantor of Supreme Power
I pay homage to Tara Grantor of Supreme Power.
Golden in color, upon a white lotus, a sun disc
And a water dragon, you are seated in the posture of ease,
Signifying that you subdue the evil ones.
I pay homage to you with wrathful grimace,
Magnificent in hue, with one face and four arms.
The first right hand holds a branch of the ashoka tree;
The second displays supreme generosity and a jewel.
I pay homage to you holding a lotus in your left hand.
Since you are unstained by the faults of the afflictions,
Your second left hand elegantly holds a vase
Granting supreme power to all sentient beings.
Golden in color, upon a white lotus, a sun disc
And a water dragon, you are seated in the posture of ease,
Signifying that you subdue the evil ones.
I pay homage to you with wrathful grimace,
Magnificent in hue, with one face and four arms.
The first right hand holds a branch of the ashoka tree;
The second displays supreme generosity and a jewel.
I pay homage to you holding a lotus in your left hand.
Since you are unstained by the faults of the afflictions,
Your second left hand elegantly holds a vase
Granting supreme power to all sentient beings.
Soka Vinodana Tara
Tara Supreme Generosity
I pay homage to Tara of the Acacia Forest.
Goddess born from the syllable HÜM
Symbolizing the wisdom of the dharmadhātu,
Flowers adorn your hair and beautify you.
I pay homage to you whose left leg turns in toward the right,
Signifying skillful means and wisdom, inseparable.
Seated upon a lotus and moon disc,
You are peaceful in appearance with one face and two arms.
I pay homage to you whose right hand bestows the sublime upon beings,
Whose left holds an utpala and who is fully adorned.
Bluish-green, with an air of dignity and the color of turquoise,
You are young, with enchanting eyes and full breasts.
Goddess born from the syllable HÜM
Symbolizing the wisdom of the dharmadhātu,
Flowers adorn your hair and beautify you.
I pay homage to you whose left leg turns in toward the right,
Signifying skillful means and wisdom, inseparable.
Seated upon a lotus and moon disc,
You are peaceful in appearance with one face and two arms.
I pay homage to you whose right hand bestows the sublime upon beings,
Whose left holds an utpala and who is fully adorned.
Bluish-green, with an air of dignity and the color of turquoise,
You are young, with enchanting eyes and full breasts.
Varada Tara
Tara Dispeller of Suffering
I pay homage to Tārā Dispeller of Suffering.
Atop a red lotus-freedom from the afflictions-
Your feet suppress the mandala of the moon.
You stand in the posture of ease, elegant and beautiful.
I pay homage to you who subdue the world;
Your form is red like rubies.
Your far-reaching laughter and TUT TĀRĀ
Dispel all beings' afflictions without exception.
I pay homage to the subduer of maras; you have one face
And four arms; the first two palms are joined atop your head.
The second right displays the sword mudrā;
The second left holds a branch of the Ashoka tree.
Atop a red lotus-freedom from the afflictions-
Your feet suppress the mandala of the moon.
You stand in the posture of ease, elegant and beautiful.
I pay homage to you who subdue the world;
Your form is red like rubies.
Your far-reaching laughter and TUT TĀRĀ
Dispel all beings' afflictions without exception.
I pay homage to the subduer of maras; you have one face
And four arms; the first two palms are joined atop your head.
The second right displays the sword mudrā;
The second left holds a branch of the Ashoka tree.
Apada Vimacani Tara
Tara Summoner of Beings
I pay homage to Tärä Summoner of Beings.
Your splendid form resides at ease
With your right leg extended atop a sun disc and lotus seat;
Dark and majestic, you perform magnetizing activity.
I pay homage to the heroine with the accoutrements of a fighter,
The color of a dark mass of clouds at night.
Extremely terrifying, you overwhelm the hordes of māras;
Showering a rain of wealth, you dispel all poverty.
I pay homage to you who employ the syllable HÜM,
Summoning the eight heavenly bodies from the eight directions.
You have one face and two arms;
In the right you hold a hook and in the left a lasso.
Your splendid form resides at ease
With your right leg extended atop a sun disc and lotus seat;
Dark and majestic, you perform magnetizing activity.
I pay homage to the heroine with the accoutrements of a fighter,
The color of a dark mass of clouds at night.
Extremely terrifying, you overwhelm the hordes of māras;
Showering a rain of wealth, you dispel all poverty.
I pay homage to you who employ the syllable HÜM,
Summoning the eight heavenly bodies from the eight directions.
You have one face and two arms;
In the right you hold a hook and in the left a lasso.
Mangalaloka Tara
Tara Auspicious Manifestation
I pay homage to Tārā Bestower of Auspiciousness.
Upon a multi-colored lotus and a moon disc,
You sit in full lotus, golden in color, with one face
And eight arms, adorned with a crescent moon.
I pay homage to you with a trident in your first right hand;
In your second you hold the hook of compassion.
With the vajra in your third, you conquer the hordes of māras;
Your fourth holds the sword of wisdom.
I pay homage to you holding a jewel in your first left hand
At your heart level, increasing abundance.
Your second holds a hook, the third a small staff;
In your fourth hand you hold a vase of wealth.
Upon a multi-colored lotus and a moon disc,
You sit in full lotus, golden in color, with one face
And eight arms, adorned with a crescent moon.
I pay homage to you with a trident in your first right hand;
In your second you hold the hook of compassion.
With the vajra in your third, you conquer the hordes of māras;
Your fourth holds the sword of wisdom.
I pay homage to you holding a jewel in your first left hand
At your heart level, increasing abundance.
Your second holds a hook, the third a small staff;
In your fourth hand you hold a vase of wealth.
Paripacaka Tara
Tara Thorough Ripener
I pay homage to Tārā who ripens.
In the midst of fires from the end of time,
You stand upon a sun disc and red lotus
In the fighting posture with right extended and left bent.
I pay homage to your sublime, terrifying form,
Red like rubies and possessing a heroine's accouterments.
Great wrathful one, manifesting one face and four arms,
You conquer the hordes of adversaries.
I pay homage to you wielding a sword in your right hand
And an arrow in the second which pierces the afflictions.
In your left hand you hold a wheel and in the second a bow;
Your lips, eyebrows and wrathful grimace are turned upwards.
In the midst of fires from the end of time,
You stand upon a sun disc and red lotus
In the fighting posture with right extended and left bent.
I pay homage to your sublime, terrifying form,
Red like rubies and possessing a heroine's accouterments.
Great wrathful one, manifesting one face and four arms,
You conquer the hordes of adversaries.
I pay homage to you wielding a sword in your right hand
And an arrow in the second which pierces the afflictions.
In your left hand you hold a wheel and in the second a bow;
Your lips, eyebrows and wrathful grimace are turned upwards.
Bhrikuti Tara
Tara Dynamic Wrathful Grimace
I pay homage to Tārā Dynamic Wrathful Grimace.
On a sun and red lotus, you stand in the dancing posture
With right leg extended, stamping upon a human corpse.
Your color is dark, your form terrifying.
I pay homage to you whose faces and brows are scrunched;
The right face is white; the left is red, and all display a wrathful grimace.
Your three eyes are red and opened wide.
You feed a human intestine to your mouth.
I pay homage to you who don a tiger's skin and snakes
As clothes, a tiara of skulls and a necklace of heads.
Your right hands wield a sword, a small staff and a hook;
The left ones hold a head, a skull cup and a lasso.
On a sun and red lotus, you stand in the dancing posture
With right leg extended, stamping upon a human corpse.
Your color is dark, your form terrifying.
I pay homage to you whose faces and brows are scrunched;
The right face is white; the left is red, and all display a wrathful grimace.
Your three eyes are red and opened wide.
You feed a human intestine to your mouth.
I pay homage to you who don a tiger's skin and snakes
As clothes, a tiara of skulls and a necklace of heads.
Your right hands wield a sword, a small staff and a hook;
The left ones hold a head, a skull cup and a lasso.
Mahasanti Tara
Tara Great Pacification
I pay homage to wondrous Tārā of Pacification.
The color of the moon, you sit in full-lotus posture
Upon a seat of a white lotus and moon disc,
With one face and six arms, you conquer all negativity.
I pay homage to you who realize the meaning; your first right hand
Holds a rosary at your heart, the experience of the victors.
The second displays the excellent mudrā;
The third hand holds a small staff.
I pay homage to you holding a lotus in your first left hand
And a water vessel in the second.
Your third holds an utpala upon whose flowering petals
Rests a sacred text spontaneously teaching beings the path.
The color of the moon, you sit in full-lotus posture
Upon a seat of a white lotus and moon disc,
With one face and six arms, you conquer all negativity.
I pay homage to you who realize the meaning; your first right hand
Holds a rosary at your heart, the experience of the victors.
The second displays the excellent mudrā;
The third hand holds a small staff.
I pay homage to you holding a lotus in your first left hand
And a water vessel in the second.
Your third holds an utpala upon whose flowering petals
Rests a sacred text spontaneously teaching beings the path.
Tara Conqueress of Attachment
I pay homage to Tārā Conqueress of Attachment.
On a red lotus and a sun disc, beautiful and resplendent,
You sit in the posture of ease, exhibiting simplicity.
With one face and three eyes, you are the color of coral.
I pay homage to you with the awareness of HÜM.
Your two arms signify skillful means and prajñā;
Your right hand holds a trident at your heart,
Thoroughly piercing the bodies of adversaries.
I pay homage to you brandishing the threatening mudrā
And holding a tree with the essence of fruit in your left hands.
Based upon the ten syllables-the essence of your mind-
Arise all desired accomplishments without exception.
On a red lotus and a sun disc, beautiful and resplendent,
You sit in the posture of ease, exhibiting simplicity.
With one face and three eyes, you are the color of coral.
I pay homage to you with the awareness of HÜM.
Your two arms signify skillful means and prajñā;
Your right hand holds a trident at your heart,
Thoroughly piercing the bodies of adversaries.
I pay homage to you brandishing the threatening mudrā
And holding a tree with the essence of fruit in your left hands.
Based upon the ten syllables-the essence of your mind-
Arise all desired accomplishments without exception.
Sukha Sadhana Tara
Tara Accomplishing Bliss
I pay homage to Tārā Accomplishing Bliss.
Upon a radiant white lotus,
A mandala of the moon and dais of the sun,
You are valiantly posed in the posture of ease.
I pay homage to your orange form, the color of bliss;
With one face and two arms, your enlightened activity of HÜM
Overpowers the three worlds;
You accomplish all aspects of bliss.
I pay homage to your form, unimpeded like space;
Your two hands display the grasping mudrā at your heart,
Elegantly holding a mandala of the moon.
You are embellished by many precious ornaments.
Upon a radiant white lotus,
A mandala of the moon and dais of the sun,
You are valiantly posed in the posture of ease.
I pay homage to your orange form, the color of bliss;
With one face and two arms, your enlightened activity of HÜM
Overpowers the three worlds;
You accomplish all aspects of bliss.
I pay homage to your form, unimpeded like space;
Your two hands display the grasping mudrā at your heart,
Elegantly holding a mandala of the moon.
You are embellished by many precious ornaments.
Samkusumita Tara
Tara Utterly Victorious
I pay homage to Tārā Utterly Victorious.
You sit in the posture of ease
Atop a white lotus, a mandala of the moon
And a fine-plumed swan.
I pay homage to you replete with untainted great bliss;
Your form is white in color, the hue of a conch.
With one face and four arms, you dispel all poison
By uttering TA, RA and the syllable PHAT.
I pay homage to you of the joyful mudrā;
Your two hands hold a hook at your crown.
The second right displays supreme generosity,
The second left holds an utpala surmounted by a text.
You sit in the posture of ease
Atop a white lotus, a mandala of the moon
And a fine-plumed swan.
I pay homage to you replete with untainted great bliss;
Your form is white in color, the hue of a conch.
With one face and four arms, you dispel all poison
By uttering TA, RA and the syllable PHAT.
I pay homage to you of the joyful mudrā;
Your two hands hold a hook at your crown.
The second right displays supreme generosity,
The second left holds an utpala surmounted by a text.
Dukha Dahana Tara
Tara Incinerator of Suffering
I pay homage to Tārā Incinerator of Suffering.
In the middle of a mandala of the moon atop a lotus,
You are seated in the posture of ease
Upon a comfortable dais with your right leg slightly extended.
I pay homage to you, white like the hue of a conch.
White, red, and various-colored garlands of light
Wondrously adorn your elegant form.
You dispel all beings' afflictions without exception.
I pay homage to you whose hands symbolize the purity
Of the two truths and hold a hearth of fire at your heart
Which incinerates all suffering without exception;
You establish beings on the paths of liberation.
In the middle of a mandala of the moon atop a lotus,
You are seated in the posture of ease
Upon a comfortable dais with your right leg slightly extended.
I pay homage to you, white like the hue of a conch.
White, red, and various-colored garlands of light
Wondrously adorn your elegant form.
You dispel all beings' afflictions without exception.
I pay homage to you whose hands symbolize the purity
Of the two truths and hold a hearth of fire at your heart
Which incinerates all suffering without exception;
You establish beings on the paths of liberation.
Siddhi Sambhava Tara
Tara Source of Accomplishments
I pay homage to Tārā Source of Accomplishments.
Your orange form attests to the activity of your family.
You reside in the posture of ease
In the center of a moon disc atop a white lotus.
I pay homage to the heroine with one face and two arms
In the mudra of means and wisdom inseparable.
Holding a golden vase at your heart,
You are the grantor of all accomplishments without exception.
I pay homage to the excellent vase, the wish-fulfilling jewel,
The wish-granting cow and the mighty wishing tree;
Merely recalling you, all longings are satisfied;
You fulfill all wishes and every desire.
Your orange form attests to the activity of your family.
You reside in the posture of ease
In the center of a moon disc atop a white lotus.
I pay homage to the heroine with one face and two arms
In the mudra of means and wisdom inseparable.
Holding a golden vase at your heart,
You are the grantor of all accomplishments without exception.
I pay homage to the excellent vase, the wish-fulfilling jewel,
The wish-granting cow and the mighty wishing tree;
Merely recalling you, all longings are satisfied;
You fulfill all wishes and every desire.
Paripurana Tara
Tara Utterly Complete
I pay homage to Tārā Utterly Complete.
Upon a bull born from the syllable HA,
A lotus and a mandala of the moon, you sit
In the posture of ease, beautiful and resplendent.
I pay homage to you, white, with one face and three eyes
Which clearly perceive the three gates of liberation.
As anger is not abandoned but purified in its place,
You wear a charnel ground tiger-skin skirt.
I pay homage to you, right hand adorned by a pearl rosary;
Compassion unbearable, you are quite wrathful;
Your left hand holds a three-pointed spear
Piercing the three poisons-the cause of samsāra.
Upon a bull born from the syllable HA,
A lotus and a mandala of the moon, you sit
In the posture of ease, beautiful and resplendent.
I pay homage to you, white, with one face and three eyes
Which clearly perceive the three gates of liberation.
As anger is not abandoned but purified in its place,
You wear a charnel ground tiger-skin skirt.
I pay homage to you, right hand adorned by a pearl rosary;
Compassion unbearable, you are quite wrathful;
Your left hand holds a three-pointed spear
Piercing the three poisons-the cause of samsāra.