Altar Shrines Kapala Set | Skull Cup | Nepal Art and Craft

SKU: 167TKKapalaSet


Kapala Set, Plated with Gold

About Our Ritual Item :

The kapala is a completely gold-plated set carved with a skull head in the middle part, a vajra on the lid, and a turtle stand that brings good luck. The kapala set can easily be separated into three parts. This fine-quality Kapala set is hand crafted giving it an ancient look.

Introduction To The Kapala Set :

A Kapala set is a cup made of a human skull, frequently offered by worshipers of the fierce Tantric deities of Hindu and Buddhist. In Tibet, the skull cup is displayed on the Buddhist altar and is used to offer to the ferocious Dharmapala divinities either wine, which symbolizes blood, or dough cakes, which are shaped to resemble human eyes, ears, etc. The Kapala is fashioned from the oval upper section of a human cranium. It serves as a libation vessel for a vast number of Vajrayana deities, mostly wrathful.
Size: 10cm(Height) and 7cm(Base)
Weight: 0.178 kg

How to set up your own Buddhist Shrine?

• Find a clean, quiet, and uncluttered spot
• Set up an altar table, cover it with an altar cloth that calls to you
• Place your sacred item at the center