Dhupur Rice Pot | Traditional Pot | Ritual Item

Save $189.00
SKU: 115TKDhupurRicePot


Dhupur Rice Pot, Buddhist Ritual Item

Our Dhupur is the traditional Tibetan-style Ritual Rice Pot with a vintage antique finish. This is a beautiful handmade Tibetan rice bowl made up of silver and gold with beautiful detailing. Our dhupur is 17cm long with a base of 11cm, which makes it a perfect decor for your home.

Basically, offering involves mentally offering the entire universe: all the planets and worlds, all sense objects, and especially the objects to which there is much clinging, such as your body, possessions, and friends. All these are offered to the merit field. The essential technique of offering is to offer the best quality materials, in the greatest quantity and to have as clear visualization as possible. In this way you can create extensive merit in just a short time.


Size: 17cm/6.6" (Height), 11cm/4" (Base)
Weight: 430gm (approximately)
